Megacolon in Rabbits: Webinar recording
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
On Saturday, August 1, Triangle Rabbits' Lead Educator, Paula Watkins, presented a webinar discussing her experiences with megacolon in rabbits. Paula has lived with four different rabbits with megacolon over the years. She shared her experience concerning how it can be differences and similarities with megacolon in different rabbits, as well as citations for articles she found helpful.
You may also download a PDF of the slides from the presentation: Megacolon_Rabbits_TR_2020.pdf
Here are the article references that Paula provided in her talk:
- The KIT Gene Is Associated with the English Spotting Coat Color Locus and Congenital Megacolon in Checkered Giant Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). 2014. L Fontanesi, M Vargiolu, E Scotti, R Latorre, MSF Pellegrini, M Mazzoni, M Asti, R Chiocchetti, G Romeo, P Clavenzani, R De Giorgi. PLoS ONE 9(4): e93750. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093750.
- Megacolon - The curse of the 33 spots. Rob Reis. http://vgr1.com/megacolon. accessed 23 Feb 2020.
- Megacolon: Why you need to know about this condition that affects many rabbits. Dani Tomlin, Bunny Mad! Magazine, Issue 27, Spring 2017.
- Differential diagnosis for megacolon in rabbits. http://www.medirabbit.com/EN/GI_diseases/Differential/mega_differential.htm. accessed 23 Feb 2020.
- Megacolon in spotted/checkered rabbits. E van Praag. http://www.medirabbit.com/EN/GI_diseases/Mega/mega_en.htm. accessed 23 Feb 2020.