How Do I Meet Adoptable Rabbits?
Thank you for considering adoption! There are several rescue groups and shelters with rabbits available for adoption in our area. You can often visit the rabbits at shelters during their normal operating hours. On busy weekend days, you may want to make an appointment. Rescue groups, including Triangle Rabbits, are often comprised of a network of foster homes. You can visit these bunnies by appointment, or at a local adoption event. Please remember that most rescues are run entirely by volunteers, who also have families and jobs, and so it may be a few days before a meet and greet appointment can be scheduled.
Rescue Friends Serving the NC Area
SPCA of Wake County, Raleigh, NC
Red Dog Farm - Greensboro, NC
Marley's Meadow - Snow Camp, NC
Smokey's Bunny Haven - Galax, VA (Sanctuary)
Brother Wolf Animal Rescue - Asheville, NC
Asheville Humane Society - Asheville, NC
Wildlife Rescue of Charlotte - Charlotte NC
Don't forget your local animal shelter
Many of these shelters have rabbits for adoption. They are not always listed on the shelter website, so be sure to call them and ask.Triangle NC Area
Orange County Animal Shelter
1081 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd/Historic Airport Rd.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
1081 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd/Historic Airport Rd.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Triad NC Area
SE NC Area
Charlotte NC Area
Western NC Area
Triangle Rabbits is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving North Carolina, U.S.A.